Discover The Insider Secrets and Our Step By Step Strategies We Use to Absolutely Crush Facebook Advertising and Drive Boatloads of Buyer Traffic To Our Websites, Funnels, & Offers... All While Growing a List of Hyper Engaged Buyers Who are Ready To Spend Money With YouOver and Over Again!

Plus, Take Advantage Of Full Private Label Rights To Re-Brand and Repurpose These Checklists For Your Own Use!

Why You Need To Grab IM Checklist Today?

  • How to use Facebook Ads to get more leads and sales for your business… even if you're scared of technology, don't really use Facebook personally and don't know a thing about paid traffic.
  • How you can get Facebook to help you lower your ad costs. (It's actually in their best interest to do so)
  • How to position your ad for the greatest response right out of the gate. (This is the secret to getting the most bang for your advertising buck)
  • The often overlooked (but super easy) method to scaling your advertising rapidly… without increasing your amount of financial risk. 
  • Plus, Full White Label Rebranding & Private Label Rights Included! Resell, Rebrand, Reuse.

Why Our Customers Love IM Checklist ?

From The Desk Of Kevin Fahey :

Dear Marketer,

Whether you are someone with a decent amount of experience under your belt or a complete beginner...

You'll want to read this letter from top to bottom and pay attention to every single word on this page because what I'm about to share with you can change the course of your entire business and have a massive impact over the upcoming weeks and months

How To Turn Facebook Ads Into Sales!

I'm sure you'll agree with me that paid traffic is probably one of the most terrifying topics for marketers. We've all heard the horror stories of people losing their shirts.

And even though you know that there are countless marketers out there absolutely killing it with Facebook Ads, riding the wave and stuffing their pockets with cash...

For you…

...Running your first Facebook Ad campaign seems daunting. 

Simply because of those stories, and because there are so many different aspects to setting up the campaign, not to mention the pitfalls that can lead to your ads being disapproved, or even ending up with a banned account. 

I can relate. I’ve been there. This happened to me... Repeatedly.

But fast forward to today, my business gets hundreds of new customers EVERY MONTH... Just from Facebook Ads alone.

And truth be told, Facebook Ads are not that scary… When you know what you’re doing…

Sure, it can be a double-edged sword that can hurt you if you’re careless with it…

But on the other hand, if you know what you’re doing, it sure can make your business absolutely skyrocket…

And in my opinion, it’s an opportunity that anyone should be willing to take!

The Ultimate Solution Right In Front Of You

Which is exactly why I decided to put together this special IM Checklist volume where I share the ultimate set of Facebook Ads strategies that will enable you to develop a strong and indestructible foundation for your marketing campaigns that will help you grow your business. Guaranteed!​

Not only that...

I will also reveal to you these "counter-intuitive" little Facebook Ad tactics used by the biggest A-List Marketers... These tactics are the exact reason their ads perform better than everybody else's...

In other words, what you'll discover inside will allow you to build bulletproof advertising campaigns, that will not only help you to keep your head above the water... But in fact, it will help your business thrive!


IM Checklist V32: Facebook Ads

Here’s Everything You’ll Discover Inside  IM Checklist V32: Facebook Ads

Checklist #1 - Creating Your Facebook Ads Account

There are many marketers using Facebook Ads platform to grow and promote their businesses. And if you're one of them, then you really need to know how to set up your Ad account the right way so you can get the most of it. In this checklist, we'll show you exactly how to get set up the right way!

Checklist #2 - How To Find Your Target Audience 

The most important thing you must know before running any type of ads for your business is - who is your audience. You need to have an idea about what kind of people will respond best to your offers. In this checklist, we'll show you exactly how to conduct your perfect audience research!

Checklist #3 - Facebook Ads For Landing Pages

The Facebook side of your advertising campaign is only one piece of the puzzle. If you want your campaigns to absolutely to crush it you also have to make sure to build a killer landing pages your audience with resonate with. Which is why in this checklist we share some of the best practices for building high converting landing pages. 

Checklist #4 - Facebook Ad Formats 

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats. Different formats serve different purposes. In this checklist, we cover in what situations one format is better than the other.

Checklist #5 - Facebook Video Ads Checklist

Facebook Video Ads are one of the most popular ads right now. In this checklist, we discuss what when video ads are the most effective and how to set them up the right way!

Checklist #6 - Facebook Lead Ads Checklist 

Facebook Lead ads allow you to capture leads who may be interested in your products or services and collect their emails using an "instant form". It's a great, frictionless way to build your email list maintaining high open rates. In this checklist, we discuss the benefits of Lead Ads and give you a step by step process to set them up the right way.

Just building and launching Facebook ad campaigns is not enough. You have to have a clear advertising strategy and know why you're doing what you're doing. In this checklist, we help you create your own Facebook advertising strategy for the best results possible!

Checklist #8 - How To Setup Facebook Retargeting Pixel 

Facebook re-targeting is an important piece of your advertising strategy; With the help of retargeting, you can retarget people who clicked on your ad, maybe visited your website but didn't take action. In this checklist, we show you step-by-step how to set up your retargeting pixels on your websites and landing pages.

Checklist #9 - How To Setup Facebook Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is a vital part of any advertising campaign.  Information gleaned from tracking click-through rates and online interactions can help boost ROI and increase sales because the data collected can help you optimize your campaigns. In this checklist, we show you how to set up Facebook conversion tracking properly.

Checklist #10 - How To Monitor Your Facebook Ads 

No matter how amazing your campaign is, you need to monitor it to check how it's performing and when it's time to refresh it. In this checklist, we discuss key performance indicators, why they are so important, and how to monitor them.   

Checklist #11 - How To Scale Up Your Facebook Ads

You have a well-performing ad! Great! It's time to scale! Just be careful because trying to scale your campaigns too rapidly is one of the most common rookie mistakes out there. In this checklist, we show you the right way to scale your ads without hurting your results.

Checklist #12 - How To Ensure Your Facebook Ads Are Compliant 

Compliance is a big thing when it comes to Facebook. A lot of people struggle to get their ads approved. In this checklist, we listed out things to keep in mind when creating your campaigns to make sure they get approved.

Checklist #13 - How To Research Your Competitors Facebook Ads 

One of our favorite strategies is reverse engineering successful ads of our competitors and making them even better. In this checklist, we show you how to check what your competitors are doing and how to use it to your advantage!

Checklist #14 - Creating A Facebook Ads Custom Audiences 

You can use Facebook to reach your most likely repeat customers. Existing customers already know and trust your brand—so marketing to them can produce much higher conversion rates than trying to reach people who have not bought from you before. In this checklist, we show you how to build custom audiences in Facebook.

Checklist #15 - Creating A Facebook Retargeting Campaign

Facebook Retargeting campaigns are usually some of the most profitable campaigns. In this checklist, we show you step by step how to set up a wildly effective retargeting campaign.

Checklist #16 - How To Split Test Facebook Ads 

Split testing is an essential part of conversion optimization, which is improving your click-through and conversion rates at which people complete the desired action, and convert. In this checklist, we show you how to set up split testing within Facebook Ads Manager.

Checklist #17 - Questions To Ask Before Setting Your Ads To Live

Before you launch your campaign it's important to make sure everything is set up correctly and no traffic or ad spent will go to waste... Use this checklist to ensure you have a campaign that is setup 100% correctly.

Checklist #18 - Final Facebook Ads Checklist 

Use THIS checklist to audit every single of your campaigns before launching. It will help you make sure you have a "winning" campaign before you even launch it!

You Really Are Getting Full Private Label Rights To These Checklists As Well!

Which means you can re-brand and repurpose these checklists with your logo and your brand and use them as they are or simply turn them into any other form of engaging and value-packed content in mere minutes...

Instantly create top-quality, professional, lead magnets, blog posts, emails...

Turn these checklists into a video course, webinar presentation...

Or use them as mouth-watering bonuses for your wildly successful affiliate promotions!

Without having to spend countless hours on mind-numbing research, writing your own content, or even putting in much effort...

Re-brand, Modify or Re-Purpose these checklists in any way you want... 

Re-package them into your own bonuses or offers and give it away or sell it and keep 100% of the profits in your pocket!

Can you see the potential yet?

These checklists will allow you to tap into massive profits with minimal amount of work and effort... And RIGHT NOW you’re getting a front-row ticket to instantly cash in.

ALL Checklists Come In 

5 Different Formats

Re-Brandable Document Files

Take advantage of the included PLR License and easily rebrand these checklists, with your logo and brand literally in seconds... Leverage our high-quality checklists to effortlessly create lead magnets, blog posts, or any other type of content.

Printable PDFs

If you would like to have physical copies of these checklists to keep them on your desk for frequent reference, inside you'll find printable PDFs of each checklist you can print out with just a click of a button!

Interactive Mind Maps

Each checklist has an interactive mind map to help you design, track and analyze your funnel creation process from a birds-eye view.

Google/Excel Spreadsheets

If you prefer having your checklists on your computer or in the cloud, we have prepared Google & Excel spreadsheets that you can import or download with a click of a button!

Interactive Checklists

Building funnels that print money like a broken ATM money has never been so simple! Inside the member’s area, you will find interactive checklists that will help you to make sure you've not made any mistakes along the way! Just follow the process, tick off the box once the task is completed and move on to the next one!

Complex Things Made Brain Dead Simple...

We've broken down what may seem like a complex process into simple step-by-step tasks that will all but guarantee you build a money-spitting, customer-generating automated sales funnel for your business... Whether you are an affiliate marketer, product creator, or consultant.

Every single strategy revealed inside is actionable, easy to understand, and backed up with real experience and real results...

But most importantly, it's delivered in a concise, easy to digest and follow-along checklists that you can keep on your desk for frequent reference as you continue making your already wildly profitable funnels... Even more profitable.

Turn Perfect Strangers Into Loyal Customers...

In as fast as just a few days, using the simple step-by-step processes laid out inside, you can easily build an outrageously profitable funnel from scratch...

...or turn an ordinary, underperforming funnel into a total "GRAND-SLAM".

In fact, the "secrets" laid out inside are so powerful that I can guarantee...

If you implement just any ONE single strategy you'll find inside the IM Checklist, you'll see a significant increase in sales and profits in your campaigns or affiliate promotions you’re running… In as little as 24 hours...

And YES!... what you’ll find inside these checklists works for any marketer… with any product… and in every niche you can possibly imagine. 

You Are Going To Be Amazed At The Change In Your Business When You Implement This...

Imagine finally being able to build profitable sales funnels... With almost guaranteed success rate...

I'm talking about stable, long-lasting funnels that give you not only complete financial freedom but time freedom as well...

Picture yourself, finally discovering the "insider secrets" you felt were kept away from you... 

Experience what it's like to have sales funnels that are bringing you new customers on a day to day basis... Building your business bigger and faster than you ever thought possible!

Feel a level of certainty that eases your mind and every cell of your body because you finally can grow your business at absolutely any speed you choose.

It’s all possible with IM Checklist…

But don’t just take my word for it...

Here’s Why Our Customers Are Totally In Love With IM Checklist!

Why You Need To Secure Your Copy Of


  • How to use Facebook Ads to get more leads and sales for your business… even if you're scared of technology, don't really use Facebook personally and don't know a thing about paid traffic.
  • How you can get Facebook to help you lower your ad costs. (It's actually in their best interest to do so) 
  • How to position your ad for the greatest response right out of the gate. (This is the secret to getting the most bang for your advertising buck)
  • The often overlooked (but super easy) method to scaling your advertising rapidly… without increasing your amount of financial risk.   
  • Plus, Full White Label Rebranding & Private Label Rights Included! Resell, Rebrand, Reuse.

Bonus # 1

Access To A Private Mastermind Group

  • With this mastermind access, you’ll get to…
  • Meet and connect with top marketers in the industry who will push you towards success...
  • Hang out with other 'IM Checklist' members, and share ideas to move all parts of your business forward...
  • Ask questions and get immediate help whenever you need it!

Value: $97

Bonus # 2

PLR Video Training Series

  • With this training access, you’ll get to…
  • Find out how you can use PLR in your business to save time, increase your profits & completely eliminate stress FAST.
  • Get a complete breakdown of how I built a 6 figure online business in the PLR niche.
  • Learn additional tips and tactics that will help you grow your business and make more money with IM Checklist!

Value: $97

Bonus # 3

7 Figure Entrepreneur Book Bundle

  • With this bundle access, you’ll get to…
  • Discover the tested and proven processes you can follow daily to easily scale your business to $20,000 per month in the fastest way possible!
  • Find out how you can explode your email open rates with THESE few simple techniques that take just minutes to implement.
  • 11 questions that will help you figure out where you are in your business, where you want to be and what you need to do in order to achieve your desired results.
  • See This ONE “fatal” mistake I made in my business. And discover how avoiding it will set you on the path to extreme & effortless growth!

Value: $97

Bonus # 4

101 Ways To Profit With PLR

  • With this bundle access, you’ll get to…
  • Learn 101 ways you can PROFIT with IM Checklist PLR rights!
  • Learn how to repurpose PLR content for maximum results!
  • How to use PLR content to make money off of it for a long, long time!

Value: $97

Bonus # 5

IM Product Launching 2.0

  • With this training access, you’ll get to…
  • Learn how to successfully launch your very own digital product!
  • Get ideas how you can use IM Checklists to turn it into your own product
  • Learn additional tips, and tactics on product launching from a 7 Figure marketer...

Value: $97

IM Checklist bundle is literally STACKED with value.

The low price alone should make you jump at this.

But I really don’t want ANYTHING to hold you back from getting The IM Checklist RIGHT NOW.

That’s why I’m giving you the next 14 days to make sure it is for you.

If you don’t make any money or get any value out of these checklists or you just aren’t satisfied for ANY reason… Even if you’re just having a bad hair day... All you have to do is let me know, and I’ll get you a prompt refund... No questions asked!

Let's be honest here.

You simply can’t lose with a guarantee like this.

Picture Yourself At The Crossroads Right Now...

Where You Have 2 Different Options… 



Is to leave this page without getting your access to IM Checklist...

But I think you already know what will happen if you do this.

That heavy feeling in your heart. That sense that you made a mistake and didn't grab the opportunity that could have completely changed the path of your business...

You don't want that.

Which is why you should seriously consider taking.


Just make this simple decision and say "YES" right now...

Click the buy button below and get instant access to 18 Checklists that layout the entire sales funnel building process (For Recession-Proof Sales Funnels) sales funnels for you step by step...

PLUS, FULL PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS to re-brand and repurpose all of these checklists and use them (Including the knowledge and experience inside) as your own.

Look... I don't think I have to say this, but...


Again, with my 14-day money-back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose...

Also with this special launch discount, you're getting HALF OFF

Now, let me leave you with one final note...

Successful People ALWAYS Take ACTION...

ACTION is THE KEY to SUCCESS. Absolutely nothing is more important than being PROACTIVE...

Despite the circumstances or situation that's happening around you.

So... If you want to take matters into your own hands, and create your own success.

Just make this tiny, easy decision right now...

I've unlocked the door. All you have to do is walk through it.

I hope you understand that I've literally stacked the deck so much in your favor that you simply can’t lose.

Well, actually there is one way you can lose...

And it's by closing this page and walking away from this opportunity…

Nudge Its Only Fair To Warn you

This is a strictly LIMITED TIME discounted offer!

The price will jump significantly - likely to $97 in the near future...

The steeply discounted price on this page you are seeing right now is to encourage you to take advantage of this limited-time special launch offer.

In, fact if you exit right now and come back later, you will end up pay more!

So take action now to enjoy this incredibly low one-time introductory price!

Plus, Get $250+ In Bonuses For FREE When 



Checklist #7 - Creating A Facebook Ad Strategy


What is Checklist Vol. 32?

Inside, you get access to 18 checklists revolving around Facebook Ads. You also get exclusive training reports as well.

Why should you get the Checklist?

This is the next best thing to having me show you how to get the best results online. These checklists come from over 12 years of online business experience, and you can get your hands on them today at a big discount.

Who should get this?

Anyone looking to save time, stay focused, and get better results needs this.

How much is this?

Although these are easily worth $197 (or more), you won’t invest anywhere near that today.

What will this do for me?

This is a massive shortcut to success that makes it easy for anyone to copy what I’m doing in my 7 figure online business.

What if I don’t like what I see?

You are protected by our money back deal. You get 14 days to make sure these are for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let me know and I’ll get you a prompt refund.


Private Label Rights

  • Can edit, add graphics and rebrand anyway you wish
  • Can be used to create video training courses
  • Can be added to paid membership sites
  • Can be translated into other languages
  • Can claim full authorship
  • Can be resold (Personal Use Only)
  • Can be used a build your email list (Individual Sheets Only)
  • Can be used as blog posts or infographics (Individual Sheets Only)
  • Can sell Private Label Rights
  • Can sell Master Reseller Rights
  • Can be resold as Checklists on JvZoo or Warrior Plus

Copyright 2020 -

John Mulry


Now Here’s Just Some Of The Ways You Can Profit From These Checklists.

  • Rebrand & Sell Over & Over Again
  • Turn Into A Video Product Of Your Own
  • Rebrand & Use As An Upsell In Your Funnel
  • Turn Into High Quality Unique Blog Posts
  • Use As A Bonus For Your Promotions
  • Use It As Content For Your Membership Site
  • Use Them To Build Your Email List
  • Increase The Value Of Your Existing Product
  • Turn Into A Webinar Presentation
  • Use Them In Your Coaching Program
  • Translate Them Into Different Languages
  • Educate Yourself & Profit From These Checklists